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Vijay Rajkumar is an architectural designer and composer based in Brooklyn, NY who works between architecture, film and music.


As a composer Vijay produces and arranges music for films and for environments/events/exhibitions.

Recent collaborations include:

Freelance Design for Es Devlin Studio

Soundtrack Composition for Harvard Graduate School of Design's RealTimeNature Conference

Soundtrack Composition for Roofscapes Paris

Sound Design & Soundtrack Composition for the National Pavilion of Bahrain at the Venice Biennale of Architecture

Lecturing "Soundtracking Architecture" Workshop for Syracuse University's School of Architecture

John McAslan/AIA Fellowship with Manifattura Tabbachi and The Pier Luigi Nervi Project

His professional work is conducted through the multi-disciplinary art and design practice Iridescence Research Lab

Born in Boston, Vijay grew up in Singapore and the United States. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Master of Architecture), holds an M.A in Computational Media & Digital Art History from Duke University and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studied Computer Science and Comparative Literature/Film.

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